About two decades ago, as a 2nd year middle school student, physics and mathematics were my favourite subjects. Like many children growing up in that part of the world in that era (perhaps universally?), we were asked who we would like to be when we grow up. I wanted to be another Marie Curie, inspired … Continue reading A New Journey
Category: Physics
Seven Brief Lessons on Physics
This book was written by Carlo Rovelli for people who know little of modern science, as noted by the author. But I found it to be a great read. Throughout this book, much of its content reminds us how little we know of physics and the universe in general, and in some sense even … Continue reading Seven Brief Lessons on Physics
Planck – Driven by Vision, Broken by War
J. C. ignited my (very healthy) obsession in quantum computing about half a year ago. In the past few months, I have read some technical materials, but have been craving for more and more about the origin and the development of quantum physics, and the giants behind it. Sadly Richard Feynman’s books are … Continue reading Planck – Driven by Vision, Broken by War
Q Is For Quantum
Recently I read Q Is For Quantum by Prof. Terry Rudolph and had the very good fortune of meeting Terry in person. The book itself is absolutely hilarious and thought provoking at the same time. If you frown upon classical physics and fear quantum physics, I recommend giving this book a go for the sheer … Continue reading Q Is For Quantum
The Theory of Everything
During the holiday break, I read Stephen Hawking’s The Theory of Everything. Reading this book was excruciatingly agonising. If not for the awesome Christmas dinner my friends Marilena and Kostas cooked for our big group of Greek friends, and the wonderful Yorkshire Bettys tea and Christmas cake supplied, along with plates, teacups, classical music and … Continue reading The Theory of Everything